
How can you help?

  1. Financial or in-kind contribution:

CashApp: $CEDCI

You can make a direct contribution to CEDC either financial or in-kind contribution (furniture, clohing, appliances, tools, vehicles, books, etc.)

  1. The CEDC depends on vlunteers to teach vocational & acadmic skills, tutor needy students, typing, word processing and computer operation, writing and researching proposals, participating in and/or developing fund raising activities, coaching sports teams, staffing and participating in seminars and workships and accompanying students on trips and outings.
  1. Become a supporter or sponsor of CEDC

CEDC welcomes support from a broad base of students, private corporations and public agencies, churches, and private individuals.

How can your company or organization help?

Nominate a concerned member of your company or organization to CEDC’s Corporate Advisory/Governing Board.

Assign a loaned executive to CEDC.

Contract with CEDC to provide services which we offer to your firm.

Allow CEDC to custom train and screen future hires for your organization.  CEDC will provide you with a personnel trained to fit available openings with your company.  CEDC’s Job Readiness program will produce candidates for hire who have developed aa positive work ethic, a sense of indiviudal and collective responsibility, dependability, and honesy.

Support CEDC as a Corporate Sponsor or Donor.  Initiate a payroll deduction plan for employees who want to contribute to CEDC.

Place your firms ad in our quarterly newsletter.

Assist CEDC in producing concets and special events.

Donate printing and production costs of annual report, brochures, calenders or our newsletter.

CashApp: $CEDCI